Främre Parkerings Tolk(PACM)

Främre Parkerings Tolk(PACM)


Här kommer jag med en förfrågning till er retrofit:are och moddare.

Om intresset är stort nog så kommer vi börja tillverka Park Assist Converter Module(PACM) för de främre parkeringssensorerna som behövs när man eftermonterar IHU i äldre bilar 2012-2013.

Jag behöver därför lite feedback från er läsare. Svara gärna med en kommentar.



15 svar till ”Främre Parkerings Tolk(PACM)”

  1. Profilbild för Pontus

    Jag röstar på att ni ska ta fram dessa så man kan köpa. Även om jag själv inte har använding för den. Men har både läst och vet om folk som har problem med detta efter IHU retrofit.

  2. Profilbild för Mattias

    Jag är intresserad av att köpa om ni tar fram! Kör runt med en bil utan fungerande sensorer fram just nu! 😂

    1. Profilbild för Niklas

      Läste i ett annat forum att sensorerna fortfarande fungerar med eftermonterad IHU, dvs att du hör pipet men du har ingen display för det. Kanske inte stämmer?

      1. Profilbild för Admin

        Ja ljudet går på en separat kanal.

  3. Profilbild för Niklas

    Ja tack! Vi har ju haft lite mailkontakt angående min 2014. Jag har nu kollat lite elschema och det ser tyvärr ut som att min CAN från PAM är kopplad på samma sätt som 2012-2013 så verkar även gälla vissa 2014, tyvärr. Så jag röstar JA till denna modul! 😀

    1. Profilbild för Sirse

      I think you can just add two CAN wires and replace PAM to newer, if your CEM is really 2014MY

  4. Profilbild för Tony

    Taky hlasuji pro ano 🙂

  5. Profilbild för David


    Är också intresserad!

  6. Profilbild för Naim

    Jag är också intresserad!

  7. Profilbild för Ars

    I think it is a good idea to implement support for time setting/DSTC off too.
    Maybe also add support for low oil level warnings for older engines like the B5254T6 (and eco/power data emulation, but that’s really hard) for M32C-driven cars with retrofitted TFT DIM.

    1. Profilbild för Pontus

      Good to know that more people doesn’t get low oil warning on TFT retrofit. I knew something wasn’t right. Nobody talks about it either. I have the B5254T11.

      1. Profilbild för Sirse

        Hmm, i know about that problem only with S80’s before 2010 MY. On mine 11MY/B5254T10/ME9.0 both oil level warns works fine. I know it because my old sensor was throw thats message every long drive before sensor cleaning.

        1. Profilbild för Pontus

          Mine is a early 2010 V70. Had a close call and was lucky i checked the oil on dipstick before i went on a road trip. No message on the TFT about it. Lucky it didn’t damage the engine. It should be 1l between the min and max. So the warning should go of half of that? Mine was close to min.

          1. Profilbild för Sirse

            The exact algorithm for oil level measurement in our ECM is not described, but it seems that level measurement is performed only on a hot engine after some driving (trend-based algorithm).

            There are two types of messages on the DIM:

            A yellow warning (sometimes it appears constantly if the level sensor is dirty—just wash it during the next oil change).
            A red message indicating a critical oil level.
            The yellow warning appears at the MIN level, while the red one appears below it. If you start the engine without oil, you won’t receive a message from the sensor because it requires multiple measurements.

            The engine won’t be damaged if the oil level is close to MIN or even slightly below it—the oil pump is located at the lowest point of the engine (but running it this way is still a bad idea).

            My mechanic says that an oil level above MAX is more dangerous than a low level—high pressure can damage the seals in the oil system. We have about eight O-ring seals exposed to a very aggressive environment.

            The most dangerous warning for the engine is low oil pressure.

            Anyway, regularly checking the oil level and other fluids is a very good habit!

            Most of our engines and gearboxes fail due to overheating. A very hot engine, weak cooling (both liquid and intercooler), and dirty radiators lead to scuffing and cracks, especially in hot climates.

            I try to remove and flush the radiator pack every two years, while also adding a special coolant system flushing liquid. I’m not sure what exactly is in these solutions, but the drained liquid looks more like swamp water—smelly, rusty, and full of particles. The intercooler also accumulates a lot of oil deposits, which reduces its efficiency.

            An additional oil cooler for the gearbox with a thermostatic valve is also a very good idea.

          2. Profilbild för Admin

            To get the oil warning to work you need to port its CAN ID string from MS-CAN from CEM(M32C) to the TFT HS-CAN to get the warning message in TFT to work. Basically, You have to figure out its original messages and make a translator that sends the new ID on HS-CAN.

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